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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Of life in general

My life, over the past few years can be summarised succintly in a word - monotonous. Of course, I should hasten to add that life, as meant here, refers to that 8 to 9 hours which are the prime hours of the day. Never an early riser, I always detested rising in the morning for school/college. Especially if it was raining, I would rather snuggle deeply and call it a day. However, I never wanted to miss anything in school or college, so everyday saw me trudging along to the sacred institution - be it rain or sun. Years passed in this way - yes, I was the unusual child who never cried and complained it didnt want to go to school. I never minded going on holidays, or staying after hours- it was all part of the process called student life. And I was never bored!
And then, it all burst like a bubble, and I was sucked into the monotony of a job. For a person who is fond of company and conversation, I spent much more time with electronic devices (whose conversation was hardly entertaining, though better than that of some people, I should say) and was often in the company of myself. Though I find myself amusing, I had enough of myself. I was growing more and more into an introvert, and my nerves (those solid iron rods that had always stood by me in good stead) started weakening and somewhere in the way, got replaced by sponge.
Everyday seemed the same, and the prospect of similar days for eternity made me recoil in horror.
I started hating people (wishing ill luck befell them) and was even more frustrated that I couldn't show my angst to them. Never having learnt the useful art of saying NO, I found committing things I never wanted to do. I slowly turned into the door mat that people always speak about.
I fell ill regularly, but had to go. I became the complaint box that cried it dint want to go everyday. I hated overtime and abhorred working on holidays. The girl who never wanted to miss a day was gone a long time ago.
I lost interest in most things (my deserted blog being one of them) and found refuge in food and books. A person of infinite leisure, I din't like people dictating to me how to sepnd my time, making plans for myself, or even taking my time for granted.
I fairly ran away (though it meant I had to be away from home too, something I never wanted) and became a student again- and lo! life's little pleasures found their way back. It felt good to be around so many people who are close to ones age, having any amount of leisure, dictating your own life, spending your time as if it truly is your own. Of course, exams and assignments do stray in and cause discomfort, but they dont matter - all in a days work.
Looking back, I suppose those years of monotony had made me mature, deeper and much less frivolous. Above all, it made me appreciate time!.... This is a short respite, however, it would suffice! 

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