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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Real Slaves

slavery was abolished years you might be wondering what my interest is in this long forgotten issue....but it is something which has not ceased to exist...only this time it is not as obvious..there are basically two kinds of slaves...
one-the ones who are sold in markets ,separated from parents,made to work for nothing,brutally exploited...well i choose to call it physical form of interest does not lie in this sect ....their problems have been looked into ,debated over and solutions sought and found during the past years
my thoguhts are concentrated on the second group of people...ones who are not obvious slaves ...i choose to call them emotional slaves...
this is a group of people who depend on others for emotional fulfilment...their hapiness ,sorrow,success and failures are dependent on the whims and moods of others....these are people who arent sold in markets by others....but these are ones who has sold their own souls to others...because they think its safer with them.,,...they deem themselves inferior in intellect or seem to lack the so called 'decision making' capacity and rely on the 'born leaders'....blindly follow their decisions....
even in the most personal of issues they need the guidance of their soulkeepers.they open their minds out to these people and trust them more than themselves......the leaders sometimes turn to be more than just intelligent....they do not influence the thoughts of the other in an obvious manner ...instead they give advice....the following of which is entirely at the others discretion.....but the advice will be put in such gentle terms ....with such bright prospects that the other is sure to follow it....but the slaves never get the impression that they are under the other's power...they feel that they were just helped in making a decision and that the final decision itself is a product of their own thought......
just a word of caution for these emotional slaves......the person who can choose the best for you is yourself!!


JFx said...

superb line of thought priya..
good to see that you've realised tht part of the world out there..
being the master of yourself is the most unselfish thing to do.. people very often fail to realize tht

Bach said...

nice to see another CETian blog. good start. keep up the good work.

should agree with jfx, good line of thought.....

btw, i am a cetian AE2005

will be checking for updates

Unknown said...

I must say this Priya, ur english is too good.All the best for your blog...
And thanks for informing me of this aspect of our minds' behaviour.This is something ive never thought of...

Rahul Nair said...

hmm... profound thoughts...
I just realised i should leave office than submit my soul to the Client...

But i still think the first kind of slaves should be debated over more...
When the physical self independent , then only will your soul be independent...
:) ...

JFx said...
